Everything you need to know About Vitamins

Everything you need to know About Vitamins
Vitamins can be confusing, especially when trying to figure out just what kind of supplements you should take, if you eat a balanced meal three times a day we won't need nutritional supplements, you need to know about vitamins, but this just isn't realistic in our society. A good diet with plenty of calcium and protein, fat and carbohydrate and fiber supplemented by vitamins as needed for specific health concerns.
I will give you a very good idea how you get from a certain vitamin or mineral. Calcium is an important mineral for women, and most sources state about vitamins that women should consume at least 1,200-1,500 mg of calcium a day. Only the most calcium supplements contain 30-50% recommended daily amounts, must be supplemented with dietary intake from other sources, such as cheese, yogurt, milk and ice cream.
About vitamin d vitamin that is important and necessary for bone health, and is included in some calcium supplements, and can be absorbed through the skin by sunlight.
Many sources available to you to learn more about vitamins and how some of the lack of vitamins, as well as excess intake can be detrimental to your health. It is important to take an active role in your health, and be familiar with the vitamins in your Cabinet, that is right for you. In addition to research on the Web, you can find an abundance of information about vitamins in different health publications, or you can even consult your dietitian or doctor for advice on vitamins and supplements, and how you can implement in your diet. Here is to your good health!
Before you use your vitamins or consider the new extension, consider these facts are well-known:
1. temperature
Refrigerate food supplements containing oils (like fish oil or Omega-3 fatty acids) or probiotics. Say "heat, light and oxygen are elements that makes oils go rancid and kill probiotics, if your pills are exposed to any of these for a long time, it will be completely useless.
2. drug interactions
If you take aspirin or birth control, you may need to increase the intake of vitamin C. "people who often take medium to large doses of aspirin lose vitamin C in the urine and may require higher doses to maintain blood levels.
3. synthetic versus natural
Go when it comes to synthetic folic acid, a type of vitamin is particularly important for women of reproductive age. Kerry Neville, RD, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, says that food supplements on the basis of synthetic really easier for the body to absorb than those made from natural sources.
4-B12 benefit.
You may want to consider taking a B12 supplement if you don't eat much meat. Found vitamin b 12, an important vitamin that helps in the metabolism of folate as well as protect the nervous system, primarily in animal products. "Definitely need B12 supplement for vegans that type found in some vegetable foods in the form of the body cannot be used," says Elisa zied, RD, CDN, author of nutrition at your fingertips.
5. volume
Although vitamins are good for you, more is not necessarily better. For example, "large doses of vitamin c or magnesium can cause diarrhea," says Dr. Kemper. Other vitamins pose the greatest danger when overused, including vitamin a and niacin, which can cause liver damage, and other issues.
6. iron awareness
If you use vitamins containing iron, be sure to take only the recommended amount for each day or week. Most people don't need an extra iron unless they are pregnant, anaemia or malnutrition; if you absorb a lot, it is possible to increase the load on your system, says Dr gulati. Can harm an excess iron — especially men — liver, heart and pancreas.
7. food pairing
Fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E wake (water soluble vitamins are the b and c complex), should be taken with food containing little fat in it, says Bonnie top Dix, RD, spokesperson of "the American Society of clinical nutrition. This will help your body maximize its benefits.
8. absorption
Some medicines affect the absorption of dietary supplements, and maybe even deplete vitamins already stored in your body. "If you take prescription meds, ask your doctor or pharmacist if there is any vitamin interactions must be aware of," Neville said.
9. marking
The food and Drug Administration regulates vitamins more like food drugs, explains Dr. Kemper. This means that it can vary in quality and the label may not accurately reflect the contents. Visit the ConsumerLab.com Web site independently testing food products, to see if your vitamins safe for consumption.
10. your diet
Always remember that vitamins are not insurance. Neville says "a lot of people think it's fine, popping pills and not caring about what they eat." While the vitamins can help you maintain good health, they are not a substitute for whole foods, of course, provide a variety of vitamins and minerals.
The vitamin deficiency

The relative lack of vitamins in food leads to situations and deficiency diseases. Only one vitamin deficiency of b vitamins to the poor leading to food shortages. However there are certain distinct syndromes of deficiency of certain vitamins. For soluble vitamins in the water there are certain deficiency diseases:

  • Beriberi (thiamin deficiency).
  • Inflammation of the lips and tongue inflammation and seborrheic dermatitis and light sensitivity (riboflavin deficiency).
  • Pellagra or makes good (alnayasin).
  • Inflammation of the peripheral nerves (pyridoxine deficiency).
  • Malignant anaemia and urine with ammonia and acidity megaloblastic anemia (anemia, vitamin deficiency b 12 and/or folic acid deficiency).
  • Scurvy (lack of Ascorbic acid).

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