How to lose belly fat and stretch marks

How to lose belly fat and stretch marks
It can be hard to lose excess belly fat. Does not affect the way you look, it affects the way you feel and your overall health. Clinic warns of dangers of belly fat, in particular: "the excess fat in the abdomen increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Losing belly fat requires a healthy eating and exercise. If your belly has stretch marks, either because of pregnancy or weight changes, you can treat these with creams and other therapeutic options.

Lose belly fat

1-Be very careful to replace saturated fats and refined sugars with whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins. United States Department of agriculture food pyramid Guide recommends this way of eating for health or weight loss.

2-Watch what you eat and you should avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar and simple carbohydrates (such as white pasta, bread, potatoes) while trying to lose weight. Instead, eat a diet high in fiber (such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains) and protein (such as legumes, eggs, and fish) and healthy fats (like avocado, nuts).

3-Eating several small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. For example, if your goal is 1700 calories, eat three meals of 400 calories and snacks.

4-Record your meals in the journal. Doing so will help you stay on track by making you aware of what you eat and what the rate of calories.

5-Exercise at a moderate level for at least 30 minutes, three to five times each week. If you have difficulty staying motivated, join a gym or local group walk. Start reducing the level of activity, and then work your way up as you get in shape.

6-Tone your belly with movements promote at least three times each week. Targeting the August full plates. Performance panels laid flat on your stomach with your legs straight. Raise body on your forearms and the balls of your feet. Balance in this mode for 60 seconds.

7-Massage cream Tretinoin to stretch marks every day, as directed. Tretinoin cream is said to rebuild damaged collagen in the skin. This helps to improve the appearance of your skin and return it to its original appearance.

8-Ask your dermatologist about laser treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, "" laser reshapes the underlying skin (the DermIS) to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin. "this is the most effective treatment on new scars.

9-Appointment for Microdermabrasion with your local aesthetics. This treatment strikes small crystals to the skin scraping and polishing the surface. It then uses vacuum to remove loose skin cells and crystals. This treatment works well for stretch marks new and old alike.

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