How to maintain weight loss

How to maintain weight loss
If you have lost weight, don't you think that the battle has ended. Maintaining your new weight will take only so much work, if not more, than when you set out to shed those unwanted pounds. Find here what it takes to keep your new figure.
How to get slimmer in four days how to lose 50 pounds with diet and through some of the following instructions.

1-Maybe you had a weight loss journey for a long time is not really your idea of how many calories you need to take. Calorie control in order to continue to enjoy the confidence of the new post weight loss. Therefore, it is important to plan a diet with the proper amount of calories along with other food. If we deny ourselves of this important material, can lead to serious health problems later on.

2-Find out how many calories you are burning now. Those numbers will be much lower than when you lose weight. Strap on a pedometer, aim for 10 km to 15 km per day. Perfect linearity will tell you how many calories you've burned.
Burn extra calories through physical activity. This is one of the most well-known and accepted models towards weight management program. One should try and stick to the theory: "always burning calories more than you consume. By doing so, one can easily avoid fat storage in the body. Indulge yourself in your favorite sport can also be a very fun and interesting weight loss plan.

3-You can add physical activity to your day by taking the stairs and stand away and walk around the House or neighborhood. If you are working a full day, take your co-workers walk at lunchtime. Also, find a class or gym exercise you enjoy. If you don't have the time or money to do, try experimented or cycling outside with your friends or children.

4-Choosing the correct food. This is also an important step towards a plan to maintain weight. Try to make your healthy eating habit and understand the fact that healthy food can also make delicious without the additional cheese dip. Include lots of fiber food along with fruits and vegetables. One should try to avoid food high in sugar and fat and high as possible. These small details can lead to very interesting results in the future.

5-We want to maintain stability and boost of energy metabolism that suffer? Try at least five different yoga poses in a day. Check out a book or a DVD from the library or store. I realize that even a little will help you to be stronger in the future and keep what you've built. Weigh yourself each week but we realize size doesn't tell the full story. How to install your clothing will be the most honest opinion you are getting.

6-When you have all the information for height, weight and level of your activity, plugged into the computer to see how many calories and activity level need to pack in your day. If you miss a day or the week or the first two weeks of activity, only to dive right back in it. The same applies if you blow your new diet; just get back to it. Allow yourself a few cheats in a week if you are craving them.

7-Experience new and different foods. Not to eat the way I did before I lost weight. If you need cooking ideas, go to your local library and check out books or go online to Web sites on weight loss. Low Cal Recipes abound there.

8-Avoid binge eating and the temptations at night by taking snacks like apples, almonds, carrots and raisins with you during the day. Keep a bottle of water is also useful.

9-Avoid eating after a given time and ideally this would be a full two hours before bedtime. This will allow you to digest food and sleep better. When you dine, consider sharing a meal. Most sizes too large for one person and is almost three meals packed in them. Skip the bread basket too, if you can. To resist social pressure to eat and insist others to respect your new way of life and eating habits.

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